The Doh! List: 3
Puns can be clever and good for a chuckle, but nothing is more annoying than just spelling things incorrectly to be cute. Seriously, it’s like the baby talk of the written word, and baby talk in adults is almost always a bit queasy-making.
We have a restaurant called “Koriander” about a mile away and I definitely would have eaten there by now if it was spelled “Coriander.” Coriander sounds like a classy name for a restaurant, like Butter, or Salt. Unless the owner’s name is Kori, however, the current spelling is unacceptable, and I will not support this desecration of the English language. If they are so flippant with something like spelling, what are they gonna do with food safety standards, or bathroom cleaning protocol? It simply doesn’t impart confidence.
And even with fewer health implications on the line, it’s still just not right, am I right? Like Kids’ Korner. Now you’re taking a population whose language skills are budding and thus still tenuous, and are throwing a wrench in the works. Not cool. I could go on and on, but y wood eye? (He he he.)